I decided the littlest lady and I needed to make one. It was adorable...and fun...and encourages imaginative play...all good stuff!
You'll need -
- a base for your garden (I used a large clay saucer with smaller pots epoxied on as legs)
- dirt
- rocks
- hot glue
- plants (succulents or other small plants - the type you get will determine the amount of care they need. If you want really low maintenance, go with chicks & hens and moss.)
- a soap dish (pool)
- any other items you'll want to complete you garden - we used a fence, a bench, veggies, and gardening tools
You'll want to use a waterproof adhesive when attaching your little pots to your saucer, and allow plenty of time for it to dry and cure. I used 2-ton epoxy and left it for a few days.
Start by planning out your design, then lay rocks/marbles down where you'll have the plants and dirt to provide drainage. If you're using a fence, use this time to glue it in place - before you get all the dirt in.
Next fill with dirt and plant your plants.
Once you're done with dirt, fill in with your rocks and add all the little extras!
Next week (hopefully!!) we'll have fairies for our garden - although my 4 year old has spent lots of playing in it just with the gardening tools and her toes!
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